Perfect Presents for Your Pooch this Christmas

Stretchy Fleece Dog Leg Warmers

These easy-to-use fleece leg warmers will keep your precious pet warm and clean when it’s cold wet and muddy. Plus, they’ll look ridiculously stylish on your Christmas Day walk.
PetLife Hotties Heated Pad

A soft microwavable heat pad for dogs, cats and other small animals. The gentle warmth is ideal for warming up a chilled dog, soothing aching joints, aiding recovery, and reducing stress. The heat pad is non-toxic, chew and claw-resistant.
From PetLife
Priced around £20
How to Speak Dog

These cards will help you understand what your dog is trying to tell you through their everyday behaviours. From the pitch of their bark to how they stand, these cards promise to open up your dog’s world and yours.
From Oliver Bonas
Priced at £7
Dog Days Out

A book offering reliable and comprehensive information on dog-friendly activities across the UK. From dog-friendly beaches to excellent accommodation options. Ideal for dogs and dog lovers alike.
From all good bookshops
Priced around £15
Pooch & Mutt Cheese Fondue Advent Calendar

A grain-free and probiotic advent calendar just for dogs. One cheesy treat behind every door all the way up to the big day.
From Pooch and Mutt
At £9.99
Wiggly Lobster Interactive Dog Toy

The Wiggly Lobster is an interactive toy designed to ignite your dog’s natural prey instinct as the lobster wriggles and moves about the floor. It’s excellent stimulation for your dog, which, in turn, helps to keep their body and mind sharp.
From Pets Dreams
For £9.95
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