How to Feed Foxes

How to Feed Foxes

How to Feed Foxes

Isn’t it simply breath-taking when wild animals enter our worlds and feed from our hands? Being so close to wildlife can feel thrilling and meaningful. 

Last year a debate raged on social media when certain celebrities filmed themselves communing with wild foxes; graciously feeding them in their gardens, inviting them into their homes and playfully interacting. What a delight – but is it really the best thing for a wild animal? People just weren’t sure. 

When a fox visits our garden, it can feel like a privilege (or not depending on who you are). Viewing ourselves as animal lovers and with good intentions, we encourage those visits in order to perpetuate that idea. But expert advice is clear – feeding wild animals can be detrimental to them. Basically, wild foxes don’t need direct human feeding in order to stay alive. They are masters of survival. 

For foxes eating food from humans requires no real skill or effort. With regular feeding they become lazy. They stop roaming, their territory shrinks and so with it the availability of food. This forces them to rely on you and essentially, be less of a fox. Also, by reducing a fox’s fear of humans you are placing us and the fox in danger. When foxes feel confident to venture into human homes it can it can be anything from a massive nuisance to downright dangerous. 

Sometimes wildlife can do with a helping hand in the winter; think bird feeders and bird boxes for example. But even that must be done with research and commitment. It’s so easy to convince ourselves that the needs of animals are in line with the pleasure we derive from them. The truth is they need us a lot less than we think. Mostly they need us to not destroy their habitats and food sources and then just leave them in peace if we can. 

Frankly being a real animal lover sometimes means doing the very thing that brings us the least visual comfort and pleasure. Leaving out small occasional treats is fine, encouraging Mr Fox to curl up on the sofa with you to watch the nine o’clock news not so much. Follow our positive tips on how to feed the foxes below. 

  • Foxes like cooked or raw meat, tinned pet food, bread soaked in fat, cheese, nuts, and berries. You can also buy feed on-line. We like WildThings Badger and Fox Food. 
  •  Leave out only small amounts otherwise the fox will take the food away and bury it – possibly in your neighbours’ flowerbed. 
  • Only leave food occasionally so the fox doesn’t come to rely on it. It’s a treat. 
  • Keep food well away from the house as it will encourage rats. Clean up any leftover food in the morning to minimise risk and thoroughly clean any feeding bowls.

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