
Events in the Cotswolds: The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party September 2023

Events in the Cotswolds: The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party September 2023


In the picturesque backdrop of the Cotswolds, community events aren’t just a mode of celebration; they symbolise unity, purpose, and collective endeavour. In an age where digital interactions often overshadow personal connections, these gatherings serve as a poignant reminder of the power of human compassion and resilience. They rally communities together, spotlighting causes that matter, and proving that togetherness can indeed foster significant change.

One such emblematic event that has captured the heart of the Cotswolds this year is 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party'. Beyond its celebratory veneer, this occasion stands tall as a testament to human endeavour and dedication.

The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party: More than Just a Festivity

Drenched in the spirit of community and benevolence, this party isn't merely a celebratory gathering. It's a beacon of hope and solidarity for many, drawing a lifeline to the much-revered 'Walk the Walk' charity. Recognised across the UK, 'Walk the Walk' remains at the forefront of the battle against breast cancer, with its unwavering commitment to a world where no individual succumbs to this ailment.

Bridging the Gap between Celebration and Philanthropy

The intertwined relationship between 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party' and 'Walk the Walk' is emblematic of how celebrations can seamlessly blend with charitable intent. It reminds us that joy can coexist with purpose, and that every step taken in merriment can also tread a path towards a nobler cause.

In conclusion, events like these are the lifeblood of a community's soul. They echo the sentiments, aspirations, and commitments of its people. The Cotswolds, with its rich heritage and robust community spirit, is once again set to exemplify how celebrations can go beyond festivity, marking milestones in philanthropy and community well-being.

Event Details

Community gatherings in the Cotswolds have always had an aura of significance about them, with each venue chosen meticulously to reflect not just the nature of the event but also the ethos of the community. This time, the spotlight is on 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party', and its choice of venue is no exception.

Date & Time: Mark Your Calendars!

The event is slated to enchant attendees on:

  • Date: Thursday, 21 September 2023
  • Time: 19:00 - 23:00 BST
  • A span of four hours, promising an amalgamation of merriment, memories, and a purpose that binds everyone in attendance.

Venue: Gloucester Brewery @ Warehouse4

Nestled within the historical heart of Gloucester, the Gloucester Brewery at Warehouse4 is not just any location; it's an emblem of Gloucester's rich industrial heritage. Once the bustling hub of the city’s trading activities, these warehouses have now been transformed into cultural and social hubs. Their brick walls, vast spaces, and proximity to the waterfront make them the perfect blend of history and modernity.

Gloucester Brewery, in particular, stands as a testament to the city's legacy of craftsmanship. Renowned for its artisanal brews and rich history, the brewery's ethos aligns seamlessly with the spirit of 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party'. It’s not just a venue; it's a statement of the city's dedication to causes that matter, all while celebrating its heritage.

In essence, the choice of Gloucester Brewery @ Warehouse4 isn’t mere happenstance. It's a reflection of Gloucester's soul, a place where history, community, and benevolence come together in a beautiful tapestry of celebration and purpose. As attendees gather on 21st September, they won’t just be stepping into a party venue; they'll be immersing themselves in a piece of Gloucester's living history.

The Background: Moonwalk London Live 2023

Amid the vibrant tapestry of community events, there are tales that stand out, not just for their grandeur but for their heart and purpose. The Moonwalk London Live 2023 is one such story, interweaving determination, camaraderie, and an unyielding drive to make a difference.

The Moonwalk Challenge: A Test of Tenacity

The Moonwalk is no ordinary feat. Covering a formidable distance of 26.2 miles, this marathon is both a physical and emotional endeavour. Participants are not just tested for their stamina, but for their spirit and commitment to the cause. Treading the bustling streets of London under the canopy of the night, each step taken resonates with hope, passion, and an unwavering desire to combat breast cancer.

But it's more than just miles. It's a journey of heartbeats, echoing with the stories of those affected by breast cancer, and a testament to the collective spirit of those who dare to challenge the status quo.

Fundraising: The Road to £10,000

From the outset, the objective was clear: to raise an ambitious sum of £10,000 for 'Walk the Walk', a charity steadfast in its mission that ‘no-one should die from breast cancer’. The journey towards this target was filled with myriad events, generous donations, and countless hours of dedication.

The community rallied, from businesses sponsoring miles to enthusiastic individuals participating in various fundraising activities. The SOLD-OUT quiz night in May was a testament to the unwavering commitment of the community. As of now, the team stands at a commendable figure of just over £9,000 – a monumental achievement, yet just shy of their final goal.

The significance of reaching this £10,000 milestone transcends the number itself. It symbolises hope, commitment, and the collective power of a community united by a singular purpose.

In conclusion, the journey of the Moonwalk London Live 2023 and the ongoing fundraising efforts epitomise the best of human spirit. As the Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party inches closer, it serves as a poignant reminder of the incredible strides taken and the few steps left to reach a dream that once seemed distant but is now tantalisingly within reach.

Party Highlights

At the heart of Gloucester, as the evening of 21st September dawns, 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party' is set to roll out an experience unlike any other. With a blend of thanksgiving, exhilarating music, and delightful interactions, it promises an evening both memorable and meaningful.

Gratitude Segment: A Tribute to the Pillars of Support

Every journey, especially one as impactful as this, is punctuated with stories of generosity, encouragement, and unwavering support. The Gratitude Segment is dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating these very individuals and entities. This isn't just a mere mention; it's a heartfelt thank you, spotlighting those who went the extra mile, offered a hand, or simply believed in the cause. Their contributions, both big and small, have been instrumental in inching closer to the £10,000 target, and this is the moment to let them know that their support hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Entertainment Details: Groove with the Mark Walby Band

No celebration is complete without music, and the Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party promises a musical treat that's bound to leave attendees enthralled. The Mark Walby Band, known for their captivating performances and versatile repertoire, is set to grace the evening. A household name in the UK's live music circuit, the band's energy is infectious, ensuring that no foot remains untapped. From classic hits to contemporary chartbusters, attendees can expect a musical journey that complements the spirit of the evening.

Interactive Elements: More than Just Spectators

The essence of the evening is interaction, ensuring that attendees are not mere spectators but an integral part of the celebration. To add a touch of fun and camaraderie, the party will feature a range of games and activities, designed to evoke laughter, challenge the mind, and foster connections.

And, of course, the much-anticipated raffle! A tradition in many charity events, this raffle isn’t just about the allure of prizes but about the thrill of anticipation and the joy of contributing to a noble cause. Those planning to participate are reminded to keep their cash handy, for this is one raffle they wouldn’t want to miss.

In essence, 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party' is more than an event; it’s a tapestry of emotions, music, and collective participation, set against the backdrop of a cause that resonates with so many. As the clock ticks down to the party, attendees can look forward to an evening that celebrates, thanks, and looks ahead with hope and determination.

Venue Spotlight: Gloucester Brewery

Amidst the historic setting of Gloucester, there stands an establishment that effortlessly marries the old-world charm of the city with its vibrant, contemporary pulse: The Gloucester Brewery. As 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party' draws near, it becomes essential to spotlight this iconic venue that's not just hosting the event but playing a pivotal role in its narrative.

Gloucester Brewery: A Mélange of Heritage and Modernity

Tucked away in the heart of the city, the Gloucester Brewery is more than just a brewing establishment. It's a testament to Gloucester's rich industrial and trading legacy, resonating with tales of the city's past whilst pushing the boundaries of artisanal brewing in the present.

The red-bricked walls of the brewery, reminiscent of Gloucester’s storied past, house an establishment known for its dedication to craft, quality, and innovation. With a selection of artisanal brews that are both traditional and avant-garde, the Gloucester Brewery stands as an emblem of the city's undying spirit of enterprise.

An Unwavering Support: A Toast to Charity

What sets Gloucester Brewery apart in the context of 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party' is not just its historical significance or its brewing prowess, but its unyielding spirit of community support. In a gesture that mirrors its commitment to the people and causes of Gloucester, the brewery has generously offered its premises for the event at no charge. This magnanimous act is not just about waiving a fee; it's a statement of solidarity, a nod to the importance of the cause, and a reflection of the brewery's ethos.

In conclusion, the Gloucester Brewery isn’t merely a venue for 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party'; it's a partner, a supporter, and a cornerstone of the event's success. As attendees step into its historic confines on the 21st of September, they'll be walking into a space that embodies the spirit of Gloucester: a blend of history, community, and unwavering support for worthy causes.

Upcoming Events in Gloucester

The heart of any city is often found in its ability to bring people together, to host celebrations, gatherings, and to cultivate a sense of community. In Gloucester, this pulse, this vibrant heartbeat, is most palpable around the historic Gloucester Docks area.

Gloucester Docks: A Tapestry of History and Modern Festivities

Few places in Gloucester encapsulate the city’s rich maritime heritage and its current zest for life like the Gloucester Docks. With its cobbled pathways, historic warehouses, and the shimmering waters reflecting the city's skyline, the Docks is a place where history intertwines seamlessly with the present.

But beyond its scenic charm and architectural wonders, the Gloucester Docks stands as the city's premier hub for cultural and social festivities. It's where the old and the new converge, where traditional events get a modern twist, and where every corner resonates with the hum of excitement.

Teasing the Fortnight Ahead: Stay Tuned for Revelries!

If 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party' has sparked your curiosity, hold onto that enthusiasm, for the coming 14 days are set to bring a whirlwind of events to the Gloucester Docks area. From music fests echoing with melodies old and new to artisanal markets showcasing the best of Gloucestershire crafts, there’s something in store for everyone.

While we would love to spill the beans on all the exciting happenings, where’s the fun in that? We encourage readers to keep their eyes peeled, ears to the ground, and, most importantly, stay tuned to our updates. With so much in the pipeline, the Gloucester Docks promises to be the place to be, and you wouldn't want to miss out on the action.

In wrapping up, Gloucester, with its rich tapestry of history and its penchant for vibrant events, ensures there’s never a dull moment in the city. Whether you're a local or a tourist, the promise of new experiences, laughter, music, and camaraderie beckons. So, mark your calendars, and let's make memories by the Docks!


As the sun sets over the historic skyline of Gloucester, and the reflections from the serene waters of its docks whisper tales from ages past, it's evident that this city has always been more than just a collection of structures and streets. It's been a symphony of souls, a medley of dreams, and a stronghold of community spirit.

Throughout its rich history, Gloucester has showcased resilience, camaraderie, and an unwavering will to uplift and support its own. This ethos finds a fitting reflection in 'The Great Big Moonwalk Marathon Party', an event that's not merely a celebration but a clarion call to rally behind a cause that resonates universally.

Breast cancer is a challenge that has touched many, directly or indirectly. Yet, in the face of adversity, what stands out isn't just the challenge itself but the collective effort to overcome it. And this is where the indomitable spirit of Gloucester shines brightest. In every donation, in every step of the Moonwalk, and in every note played at the party, there's a shared dream — a world free from the shadow of breast cancer.

To all our readers, both long-time residents and newfound friends of Gloucester, we extend an invitation. An invitation to be part of this dream, to contribute, participate, and most importantly, to keep the flame of hope alive. With each effort, no matter how small, we move a step closer to that horizon where breast cancer is but a memory.

In conclusion, let the docks, the streets, and the vibrant heart of Gloucester stand testament to our shared resolve. For in unity, in community, and in shared dreams, we find the strength to usher in a brighter, cancer-free tomorrow.

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