
Events in the Cotswolds: Harvington Village Festival 2023

Events in the Cotswolds: Harvington Village Festival 2023


A Love Letter to British Heritage: Introducing the Harvington Village Festival

As the sun ascends, casting long shadows over the lush greenery of the Cotswolds, a stirring of excitement ripples through the landscape. The time has come for an event, deeply woven into the fabric of our cultural scene, to unfurl in all its magnificent glory: The Harvington Village Festival.

Unique, enchanting, and authentically British, the Harvington Village Festival stands as a beacon in our calendar, a symbol of our shared love for arts, culture, and music. Nestled in the heart of the countryside, Harvington, a quaint village, transforms into an arena of celebration, where each nook and cranny pulses with creativity, mirth, and unity.

Unravelling the Thread of Culture: Events in the Cotswolds

The Harvington Village Festival weaves a rich tapestry of events that captures the essence of British life. From the dulcet strains of folk music floating on the breeze to the riveting tales spun by a master storyteller, every moment is a jewel to be savoured.

As you stroll through the festival, you'll be transported on a journey that engages all your senses. The colour and vibrancy of open gardens, the heartrending prose of award-winning authors, the enchanting rhythm of live bands, all awaiting your discovery.

A Symphony of Experiences

From the 8th to the 22nd of July 2023, each day brings a new melody in our symphony of experiences. Mingle with kindred spirits, immerse yourself in workshops, and unleash your creativity in our competitions. Discover the Cotswold Shepherdess, Sue Ablett's captivating narratives, and dance the night away with Fixin' To. Every day promises a new adventure.

As the sun sets on our journey, we're left with hearts full of memories and a deeper connection to the cultural life of our beloved village. Join us in making the Harvington Village Festival a yearly pilgrimage, a ritual of celebrating our shared heritage, and creating new, unforgettable memories.

In the end, the Harvington Village Festival is more than an event; it's a testament to our enduring love for the arts, culture, and music. So, step into our enchanting world and let us revel together in this grand celebration.

Tickets are now available. Secure your pass to this once-in-a-lifetime event, the "Events in the Cotswolds: Harvington Village Festival". Unearth the magic that awaits you.

Festival Dates and Location

Festival Dates and Location: A Journey Through Time and Space

In the heart of the verdant Cotswolds, as the summer sun climbs to its zenith, a magical spectacle unfolds. From the 8th to the 22nd of July 2023, Harvington village, bathed in the warm, golden light, plays host to a gathering that promises to touch every heart that ventures within its realm. Two weeks of enchantment, camaraderie, and celebration await you at the Harvington Village Festival.

Embracing Summer in Harvington

As the weeks of July unfurl, each day brings a fresh chapter of our festival saga. The chirping birds herald the beginning of each new day, and as the moon takes its nightly watch, the air hums with tales of another day of celebration that gradually recedes into the folds of time. Every day, from the 8th till the 22nd of July 2023, offers a unique flavour, a different rhythm, a new story.

Find Your Way to the Heart of the Cotswolds

Set your compass to the heart of England, and let your soul guide you to our cosy village. Harvington is more than a mere location; it's a time capsule, preserving the rich cultural essence that gives our festival its unique character. An easy journey through the stunning Cotswold scenery, whether you're travelling by car, train or on foot, you'll find the trip to be a delightful prelude to the festival itself.

We eagerly await your arrival. So come, weave your way through the undulating green hills, under the endless blue skies, until you find us waiting for you, ready to welcome you to our haven of culture, music, and art.

For more detailed directions, visit our website Harvington Festival. Let the journey begin and let your anticipation for the myriad of experiences at the "Events in the Cotswolds: Harvington Village Festival" blossom with every passing mile.

Celebrating Arts, Culture, and Music

Celebrating Arts, Culture, and Music: The Soulful Melody of Harvington

Nestled in the heart of the Cotswolds, the Harvington Village Festival is a symphony composed of diverse notes of arts, culture, and music, orchestrating a rhythm that resonates with the heartbeat of our quaint village. The unique blend of these themes transcends the physicality of the event, transporting attendees into a world that exists at the crossroads of tradition and creativity.

The Artistic Brushstrokes of Harvington

Art in Harvington is a whispering wind, a secret shared between the artist and the beholder. The festival is a canvas, waiting to be adorned with the vibrant colours of creativity. Here, art is not just admired; it is lived, breathed, and embraced as a part of our existence. Be it an eloquent sculpture, a captivating painting, or a beautifully crafted trinket, every piece of art has a story to tell, a tale that weaves into the larger narrative of the festival.

Culture: The Heartbeat of Harvington

Culture is the lifeblood of Harvington, pulsating through the village, infusing every nook and corner with a charm that's distinctly our own. The festival is a celebration of this rich tapestry of traditions that have evolved and been passed down through generations. Witness the vibrant customs come alive in the communal gatherings, the storytelling sessions, the cooking, and the laughter. In these moments, every attendee becomes a thread in our cultural fabric, woven together in the shared experiences of the festival.

Music: The Symphony of the Village

Music at the Harvington Village Festival isn't just an audible delight; it is the rhythm that sways the soul of the festival. From the traditional folk tunes that echo through the rolling hills to the modern melodies that inspire joyful dance, music is an integral part of our festival. The lineup, replete with local talents and esteemed guests, presents a harmonious blend of old and new, each note promising a heartfelt connection.

Together, these elements – art, culture, and music – create the magic that is the Harvington Village Festival. An experience that not only engages the senses but also stirs the soul, inviting attendees to not just witness, but truly become a part of the "Events in the Cotswolds: Harvington Village Festival". So, step into our world and let the rhythm of Harvington guide your journey.

The Unmissable Line-Up: A Journey through the Heart of Harvington

The soul of the Harvington Village Festival breathes through an impressive line-up, where each event and artist intertwines with the spirit of the village, creating an enthralling cultural experience that will captivate and inspire.

The Cotswold Shepherdess: Preserving Our Legacy

Stepping into the shoes of The Cotswold Shepherdess is like walking a path through history. Her presence is a bridge between generations, a reminder of our heritage that continues to shape our identity. Her narratives, spun from the fibres of our shared past, weave a tapestry of stories that echo with the timeless rhythm of Cotswold.

Sue Ablett: Unearthing Family History

With Sue Ablett, we journey through time, unearthing the hidden treasures of family history. Her exploration of lineage is more than just an academic pursuit; it's a heartfelt pilgrimage into our shared past. Each revelation sheds new light on our community's rich and intricate tapestry, connecting us more deeply to Harvington's ancestral roots.

Fixin' To: Music that Moves

The melody of Fixin' To transcends musical notes, stirring the soul and moving the heart. Their performance isn't just an act; it's an immersive experience that transports you on a rhythmic journey. Under the starlit Cotswold sky, their music echoes through the hills, uniting us in song and spirit.

James Clothier: Behind the Headlines

An evening with James Clothier promises an intimate dive into the world of journalism. His anecdotes and insights remind us of the power of the written word and its ability to shape perceptions. Amid hearty laughter and thoughtful moments, we learn to appreciate the artistry and dedication behind every headline.

Natalie Hart, Costa Book Club Author: Stirring Stories

A meeting with Natalie Hart is like stepping into a moving narrative. The acclaimed Costa Book Club author not only weaves incredible stories but also inspires us to discover our own. As we delve into her works and explore her writing process, we find ourselves enthralled by the written word and the profound emotions it can evoke.

This enchanting line-up, filled with remarkable individuals, ensures that the Harvington Village Festival transcends the ordinary. Each artist and event adds to the vibrant kaleidoscope of experiences that define the festival, offering an unforgettable journey through the heart of Harvington. Join us, and find yourself immersed in the true essence of the Cotswolds, here at the Harvington Village Festival.

Engaging Competitions

Amidst the poetic notes of music and the eloquent whispers of stories, the Harvington Village Festival offers a unique platform for you to express your own creative spark. It's not just about winning; it's about the joy of participating, the thrill of creation, and the reward of personal growth that emerges from each endeavour.

The Short Story Writing Competition: Penning the Unspoken

The short-story writing competition beckons you to the exciting world of narratives, inviting you to shape your thoughts, experiences, and emotions into an exquisite tapestry of words. It's a personal journey through the landscapes of your mind, where you're the storyteller who breathes life into blank pages. Winning the competition would be an honour indeed, but the true victory lies in capturing a moment, a feeling, or a thought in the form of a story. It's about creating something uniquely yours and sharing it with the world.

The Photography Contest: Capturing Timeless Moments

The Photography Contest offers a different, yet equally compelling, canvas for your creativity. Here, you're invited to see the world through the lens of your camera and capture the enchanting, the poignant, and the remarkable in a single frame. It's about much more than taking a photo; it's about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary, the beautiful in the mundane. Winning the contest is a delightful accolade, but the true prize is in the exploration of perspective and the silent storytelling that each photograph embodies.

Both competitions are a celebration of creativity, a shared love for expression, and an opportunity for each participant to engage with their passions. They remind us that within each of us lies an artist, a storyteller waiting to be discovered. As you join the ranks of those competing, remember that the joy is in the journey, and the Harvington Village Festival is delighted to accompany you on your creative expedition.

The Spirit of the Festival: Friends of Harvington Festival

Embedded in the rich tapestry of the Harvington Village Festival is a golden thread that weaves all together - the unwavering spirit of community. This spirit manifests most tangibly in the form of the Friends of Harvington Festival, a congregation of individuals bound together by a shared love for culture, arts, and the invigorating air of camaraderie that surrounds our beloved festival.

Becoming a Friend: A Lasting Bond

When you become a Friend of the Harvington Festival, you become a part of a legacy that extends beyond the enchanting melodies of music, the vibrant strokes of art, and the poignant verses of literature. You become a custodian of the culture and heritage that our festival stands for and a torchbearer for its future endeavours.

It's a relationship steeped in mutual admiration, with the festival benefitting from your support and you being rewarded with a sense of belonging and shared pride. Each member of our community plays a vital role in keeping the festival alive and vibrant, becoming a vital node in the network that defines the soul of Harvington.

The Cultural Lifeline of Harvington Village

The Harvington Village Festival is a testament to the cultural richness of our village, and as Friends of the Festival, you play a direct role in maintaining this cultural lifeline. The festival is more than an annual event; it's a living, breathing celebration of our village's spirit, uniting us all in a shared appreciation for arts, culture, and camaraderie.

Your involvement as a friend provides support for the countless artists, musicians, and creatives whose works grace our festival stages. In return, you become an integral part of a creative ecosystem, a tradition that nourishes the cultural life of Harvington Village, ensuring its vibrancy for generations to come.

Join us, and be a part of this magnificent celebration. Be a Friend of the Harvington Festival, and partake in a journey that transcends the ordinary, immersing you in a world rich with creativity, culture, and shared community spirit. It's more than a festival - it's a shared experience, a shared love, a shared heritage. It's the soul of Harvington, and we invite you to become a part of it.

Delve into the Main Events

The Harvington Village Festival is a cornucopia of tantalising events, each a unique gem embedded in the lush velvet of our cultural celebration. Come, let us embark on a journey through the intricate labyrinth of the festival, pausing to admire the mesmerising facets of each event.

Opening Night: A Symphony of Light and Sound

At the stroke of twilight on the 8th of July, the festival unveils itself with an orchestra of light and sound that dances beneath the star-kissed sky. The Opening Night is a spectacle to behold, a symphony that intertwines the vibrant hues of fireworks with the resonant notes of harmonies. It is a silent invitation to the rhythm of the festival, beckoning you to surrender to the allure of the night.

The Art Exhibition: A Colourscape of Creativity

From the 9th to the 22nd of July, the heart of Harvington pulses with the vibrancy of the Art Exhibition. Imagine a world crafted from strokes of brilliance, each painting a silent soliloquy, each sculpture a testament to the power of imagination. The Art Exhibition is a colourscape of creativity, a tableau of dreams and emotions captured in a stunning array of artistic endeavours.

Concert in the Park: A Melodic Breeze

On the 16th of July, the park will echo with a harmony that sways with the trees and flutters with the butterflies. The Concert in the Park is a serenade to nature, an ensemble that breathes life into the idyllic surroundings. It’s more than music, it’s a melodic breeze that carries the soul of the festival.

The Grand Finale: A Tapestry of Celebration

On the eve of the 22nd of July, Harvington will hum with the anticipation of the Grand Finale. Imagine a culmination of arts, culture, and music so profound that it reverberates through the very fabric of the village. The Grand Finale is a tapestry of celebration, a crescendo of passion that signals the triumphant conclusion of our cherished festival.

These are but whispers of the enchanting symphony that is the Harvington Village Festival. It is a celebration that must be lived, a memory that must be made, a festival that calls to the poet in all of us. So, join us and become a part of this extraordinary celebration of the arts, culture, and the unyielding spirit of Harvington.

Tickets, Your Gateway to an Enchanting Experience

Consider this golden parchment in your hands, the festival ticket, a key that unlocks a world of spectacle, charm, and wonder. The Harvington Village Festival invites you to embark on this journey, but remember, our journey, much like a sonnet, is finite. It demands that we respect its fleeting nature by securing our place early.

Secure Your Place in this Momentous Journey

In the grand scheme of life, these tickets are small, yet they hold a magnitude of enchantment. They are promises to yourself of experiences waiting to be savoured, of memories waiting to be forged. Therefore, let not the shadow of procrastination eclipse your moment in the sun.

The Path to Purchase

The festival's website is your lighthouse, guiding you through the calm seas of ticket purchase. Just follow its warm glow and you will find yourself on the shores of the festival.

Navigate to the 'Tickets' section on the website and choose your desired events. Remember, some events may have limited seating, a testament to their rarity and charm. If your heart is drawn to these events, heed its call swiftly.

You'll find a plethora of ticket options. Single events, day passes, and even an all-encompassing festival pass. Choose the one that best suits your longing for the festival. Once chosen, follow the prompts to complete your purchase. Upon completion, you will receive a confirmation and digital tickets that you can present at the entrance of the festival.

An Invitation Etched in Ink and Imagination

We have etched this invitation in ink and imagination, hoping that it might find its way to your heart. Now, it is time for you to pen your response. Will you join us on this grand adventure? Your ticket is more than a piece of paper, it is a gateway to an enchanting experience, a beacon that guides you into the heart of the Harvington Village Festival.

So, secure your place, honour the dance of time, and prepare for a celebration of a lifetime. The festival awaits you with open arms and a promise of unforgettable moments.


In the heart of the English countryside, where the sun paints golden streaks on emerald tapestry, where roses bloom to whisper tales of yore, and rivers hum sonnets beneath ancient bridges, a unique experience awaits you.

The Harvington Village Festival, an emblem of English culture, is more than a mere event; it's a saga narrated over two enchanting weeks, an expedition through arts, music, and culture, and a heartfelt celebration of community spirit. A constellation of events unfurls beneath the summer sky, promising experiences as varied and fascinating as the stars themselves.

To Dance with Destiny at Harvington Village

To witness artists conjuring magic on canvas and melody, to join riveting competitions that challenge the mind and touch the soul, to stand as a friend of this festival and nourish the cultural heart of Harvington Village, and to delve into a potpourri of captivating events - such is the promise of the Harvington Village Festival.

You stand at the brink of an unforgettable journey. One that can be embarked upon with a simple act - the securing of a ticket. Allow it to be your compass, guiding you through the enchanting maze of this festival.

Heed the Call of the Harvington Village Festival

And so, dear reader, we extend this invitation to you. The Harvington Village Festival unfurls its tapestry before you, each thread a story waiting to be woven with your own. To bask in the English sun, to drink in the verses of music, art and culture, and to etch your own chapter in this ageless saga - isn't that a calling worth heeding?

May your heart echo with the rhythm of this festival, and your spirit flutter with the anticipation of unforgettable experiences. We beckon you to step into this vibrant world. Embrace the dance of destiny at the Harvington Village Festival.

Until then, the roses will wait, the sun will pause in its golden descent, the rivers will hush their humming sonnets, all in anticipation of your arrival. So, heed the call. The Harvington Village Festival awaits you.

Final Remarks and Thanks

In the whispered hush of parting, dear reader, we find ourselves awash with gratitude. For your time, so generously given, for your interest, so warmly felt, we extend a heartfelt thank you. Each word of ours that you've traversed, each sentiment that's found a home in your heart, enlivens the spirit of the Harvington Village Festival.

Remember, the festival's arms remain wide open, ready to enfold you into its vibrant heart. Its soulful music, immersive arts, and the camaraderie of culture eagerly anticipate your footfall. The essence of this festival is not in the line-up of events or the mesmerising performances, but in the hearts and souls of those who partake in it.

So let us part now, with a promise of a reunion under Harvington's sunny skies. May your days be filled with anticipation, and your dreams echo with the promise of shared joy and celebration.

As the sun dips beneath the horizon, painting the English sky with hues of twilight, we send you forth with a hopeful whisper. A whisper that you'll heed the call of the Harvington Village Festival, and find your way into the warm embrace of our shared celebration.

Until then, farewell, dear reader. But remember, in Harvington, every farewell is simply a prelude to a warm welcome. We await your arrival with bated breath and blooming roses.

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